Curios to know of Hypnosis is for you?

Ashley is a Dual Certified Hypnotist and she can help!

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be defined in multiple ways, but to put it simply, it is an altered state of awareness with focused attention. It is often associated with relaxation, although relaxation is not a prerequisite. For instance, the runner's high experienced during a jog is a form of hypnosis. While the body remains active, many individuals enter an altered state of mind.

While hypnosis is sometimes likened to meditation, it differs in that it is a focused state. In hypnosis, your mind remains active, with your attention tightly focused on a specific subject, whereas meditation typically involves relaxing or clearing the mind.

What Is NOT Hypnosis?

Many people equate hypnosis solely with the entertainment version often seen on stage, but this is not an accurate representation. Hypnosis encompasses various forms beyond stage performances. In fact, hypnosis has a long history of applications in anesthesia and pain management. Organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychiatric Association (APA), and British Medical Association have all approved and endorsed hypnosis as an effective tool. While not considered therapy, hypnosis helps you envision what is possible for you by operating under the assumption that you possess the inner resources and competencies necessary to solve problems once your analytical mind steps aside.

It's important to emphasize that hypnosis is not a form of mind control. Mind control involves coercively influencing another person to think or act in a specific way by impairing their ability to think independently. Hypnosis, on the other hand, empowers you to consciously choose your beliefs and suggests predetermined thoughts to your subconscious mind, which governs 95% of your behaviors. You retain complete control, as all hypnosis is, in essence, self-hypnosis. The hypnotist serves as a guide, and you have the ultimate authority to accept or reject any suggestions provided.

Hypnosis is also not a state of sleep. Instead, it represents a state of deep focus and awareness. While some may mistakenly assume that hypnosis occurs during sleep, the key distinction lies in brainwave frequencies. Throughout the day, our brains cycle through various states of brainwave frequencies. Hypnosis is most effective when brainwave frequencies are in the Alpha or Theta stages, whereas sleep occurs during the Delta stage. Nonetheless, hypnosis can be so relaxing that some individuals find it more rejuvenating than sleep.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Absolutely! Hypnosis is a natural aspect of your daily life. To put it simply, all hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis. You're constantly engaging in self-hypnosis through the narratives in your mind. Your inner monologue repeatedly conveys your desires to your subconscious, influencing it to create or manifest those desires.

One of the most significant obstacles to achieving what you want is your self-talk. This is where the guidance of a coach certified in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) becomes crucial. NLP draws from behavioral therapy, psychology, and the study of excellence. According to the National Library of Medicine, "The most crucial role of NLP is to help humans communicate with themselves effectively and manage negative emotions and anxiety (Nompo et al., 2021)." An NLP coach is trained in understanding how the mind operates and how language impacts your thoughts and actions.

Do you ever criticize yourself or find yourself thinking:

"I'm not good enough.""I'm fat/ugly/stupid/weird/___.""I don't fit in."

These statements program your mind, even if it's unintentional. Importantly, your subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between reality and what you tell it. In essence, your thoughts shape your reality. This is one of the reasons why hypnosis is effective, as it presents an alternative reality to your subconscious. It underscores the concept that hypnosis is, indeed, a form of self-hypnosis.

So, what does self-hypnosis entail? It means that your mind always retains control and will determine whether to accept a suggestion based on your will, beliefs, and morals. This inherent control is what makes hypnosis a safe process. The Hypnotist serves as a guide, while you remain the ultimate decision-maker.

What many may not be aware of is that hypnosis has been in use for centuries. It has found applications in healthcare, dental care, mental health, and is even gaining recognition in cancer care.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis is an inherent part of your daily life. Have you ever experienced moments of zoning out? Or perhaps you've watched a captivating movie or read a thrilling book, causing your heart to race during the climax scenes? These are examples of hypnosis.

Your brain can easily shift into a state of deep focus or daydreaming. In this state, the Hypnotist communicates directly with your subconscious mind, addressing various physiological, emotional, and behavioral issues you wish to tackle. This allows your subconscious to consider alternative suggestions in a safe environment.

Will I Know and Remember What Happened?

During hypnosis, you remain conscious and alert, albeit often in a deeply relaxed state. You will always hear Ashley's voice and be aware of your surroundings. You can move, leave, or halt the process at any time because you are in control.

What you recall consciously may vary, similar to how you remember your dreams in the morning. Some people remember every word from their hypnosis session, while others recall portions, and some may not remember what was said. However, your subconscious will retain every word.

Hypnosis often involves interactive sessions where you may be asked to speak. It's essential to remember that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and you retain control.

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

Your conscious mind, what Ashley refers to as the analytical brain, can process only a limited amount of information at any given time. In contrast, the subconscious mind records and stores everything, including what you perceive, hear, feel, smell, taste, and think. It even records conversations happening three tables over at a restaurant you visited, even though your conscious mind couldn't process or hear that conversation. The extent of your subconscious's power is truly remarkable.

Whether you're aware of it or not, your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and mindset reside in the subconscious part of your brain, shaping your reality. The subconscious directs 95% of your actions, decisions, and behaviors, yet you often believe that your analytical, conscious brain is responsible for these choices. Research indicates that your subconscious actually forms decisions seconds before your analytical brain does.

Why Choose Hypnosis?

Milton H. Erickson, M.D., a leader in hypnosis, wisely stated, "What is easiest to see is often overlooked."

Your subconscious thoughts, often hidden from your analytical mind, tend to persist until actively addressed and changed. While repetitive training can alter your thought patterns, releasing emotions surrounding these thoughts is equally important. Your subconscious stores your emotions as well. Tackling these thoughts analytically may not be enough, especially if they carry strong emotions.

One approach to releasing unconscious thoughts is working with Ashley to identify and understand them. This coaching aspect of working with Ashley involves asking numerous questions to comprehend your model of reality. Once these underlying beliefs are identified, Ashley collaborates with you to replace limiting thoughts with empowering ones through hypnosis.

In summary, hypnosis is a potent tool for shedding past conditioning and envisioning new possibilities, leading to subconscious reprogramming. It is a straightforward, painless, and safe method to confront past challenges, providing you with the support, love, and tools necessary for releasing trapped emotions and transforming your future. Imagine feeling good about yourself, experiencing happiness, and being free from the mental clutter that weighs you down. Instead of spending months or years repeatedly discussing the same issues, reinforcing those patterns, consider addressing the root problem with your subconscious.

Who Can Benefit From Hypnosis?

Are You Suffering From Repetitive Habits That Don’t Work For You?

Are You Seeking More Meaningful Relationships?

Are You Launching a New Business Venture?

Are You Desiring to Lose Weight, Gain Self-Esteem, or Feel Worthy?

The options are endless on what hypnosis can help you with!

Whatever it is you want and currently DON’T have...there is a reason for it. Whether you are struggling with some type of fear of:




Being wrong

-Imposter syndrome


or scarcity or lack of:







Your brain is keeping you exactly where you are because it believes and has had past experiences to prove that behaving in this manner keeps you safe. Hypnosis allows us to go to the source of when these memories and thoughts were first created and adapt the parameters.

This means hypnosis is an option for everyone who desires to make changes in their lives.

“Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Our work is to

transform that into a work of empowerment.” ~ Milton H. Erickson, M.D., a leader in


Ready to get started? Your transformation is only a few clicks away!

Note - I want to emphasize that I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe, nor do I practice psychotherapy. Hypnosis and Coaching are not substitutes for seeking appropriate medical, dental, or mental healthcare. They serve as personal development tools aimed at helping you shift towards a more positive, resourceful state, where you can identify and make choices.

© 2023 Ashley Pitzer